Commerce IT is the information technology support department within the Commerce Faculty at UCT. Tasked with both staff and student support, the department ensures the smooth operation and integration of Information Technology within the Faculty. Commerce IT is comprised of a dedicated and professional team, and our mandate is to provide technology-driven service excellence in pursuit of the university’s Vision 2030 goals in support of research, teaching, and social responsiveness.
As a faculty support department, Commerce IT works with ICTS to ensure positive service engagement. To this end, client satisfaction remains core to the department’s value system.
Please refer to Services for information on the faculty-level support offered.
How do I log a support request?
- You can either email the Commerce IT Helpdesk at commercehelpdesk@uct.ac.za
- Or you can log an online call through the UCT Service Portal by following the steps below:
- Navigate to https://uct.service-now.com/sp
- Log on using your UCT username and password.
- On the top menu, select Catalog.
- On the left-hand menu, choose the Category of service you want to request (for example, Security).
- Select the relevant option.
- If there are sub-options, select the relevant sub-option.
- Fill out each section of the page.
- Click Submit.