SEMINAR: The Role of Institutions in Underpinning Inclusive Economic Growth in South Africa

14 Sep 2015
14 Sep 2015

What is the role of the state in economic development? And what are the dynamics of fostering institutions for structural transformation and inclusive growth? Join us as at "The Role of Institutions in Underpinning Inclusive Economic Growth in South Africa" seminar, where 7 experts will present their findings on the role of institutions in underpinning inclusive growth in South Africa, drawing lessons, where possible, from the development experience of South Korea.

Details: Wed, 14 Oct 2015, 10h00-15h30 @ the Radisson Blu Hotel, Sandton.
This event forms part of a broader project commissioned by the African Development Bank. The DPRU co-ordinated a multi-paper study under the project banner ‘Country Development Policy in Practice’. The 7 different papers explored the interplay of institutions & economic development in SA.  South Korea’s experience with economic transformation and a developmental state provided an important benchmark for the authors to stimulate policy debate on development policy in practice. 
To view the draft programme click here.
To RSVP, email or tel: 021 650 5705, by Fri 9th October.