Income Inequality Trends in SSA: WB Africa Economics Seminar Series

17 Nov 2017
17 Nov 2017

Prof Haroon Bhorat, DPRU Director, was invited by the World Bank Africa Chief Economist’s Office, to present at the Africa Economics Seminar Series, in Washington D.C., in November 2017. The seminar offered him an opportunity to speak about current inequality in Africa and some of its drivers. He also discussed resource dependence and inequality in Africa (outcomes from the data), the African Manufacturing Malaise (determinants and attributes), and social protection in Africa (key features).

His seminar was based on a book recently published by the UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa, that he co-edited and co-authored: “Income Inequality Trends in sub-Saharan Africa: Divergence, Determinants, and Consequences”. Haroon's slide deck is available here, and for the full seminar experience, you can watch the video via Adobe Connect here: