RFP: Facilitation & Development of Sectoral Masterplans

14 Oct 2019
14 Oct 2019

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Development of sector-focused Master Plans

Government approved the Re-invigorated Industrial Strategy (RIS) for South Africa (SA) in June 2019. A cornerstone of the Industrial Strategy is the development of sector-focused Master Plans in 15 priority sectors. The Master Plan approach has been implemented in the Autos sector over the last decade and has proven to be a highly effective means of creating stakeholder support for a coordinated approach to developing industrial sectors.

A Master Plan is a comprehensive plan of action developed by Government, Business and Labour which seeks to achieve a common policy objective e.g. protect jobs, create jobs, deepen capabilities in the sector, expand exports, and/or prepare for the impact of a policy change. The Master Plan is typically time-bound and incorporates various actions across the 3 main stakeholders, sequenced to achieve maximum socio-economic impact.

The Economic Research and Policy Coordination unit of the dti is inviting qualified and experienced research organisations, policy practitioners and research specialists to submit proposals to facilitate and develop Master Plans in SA’s national priority sectors.

The national priority sectors for which this TOR applies are as follows:

a) Aerospace and Defence Economy
b) Agriculture and Agro-processing
c) Cannabis
d) Creative Sector
e) Gas
f) Health Economy
g) Minerals and Beneficiation,
h) Oceans Economy
i) Renewables/Green Economy,
j) Tourism    

Please find the RFP attached. All proposals to be submitted to kezia.lilenstein@uct.ac.za by 17h00 on Monday 21 October 2019.