RFP: Reporting by Business on Executive Pay Ratios

27 Nov 2019
27 Nov 2019

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Reporting by Business on Executive Pay Ratios

The IGP invites interested service providers to submit proposals to conduct research on the Reporting by Business on Executive Pay Ratios.

The purpose of the proposed research is to understand the nature and extent of the wage disparity between the highest paid workers (executives) and lowest paid workers challenge and how it manifests, and thereby develop a consciousness that will lead to action on the part of business.  This will be done with the intention of introducing reporting by employers based on defined ratios (in Annual Reports).  The modalities and feasibility of mandatory reporting needs to be informed by research and in consultation with various stakeholders.  This research project will inform those modalities and will make recommendations thereon.

The objectives of this study are:

  • Understand the nature and extent of the wage disparity challenge and how it manifests and thereby develop a consciousness that will lead to action on the part of business;
  • Recommending in what form and manner employers should report on wage ratios.

For more details, and information on the deliverables, conditions, submission and evaluation processes etc., please read the RFP terms of reference.

Proposals must be submitted by email to mira.blumbergpahad@uct.ac.za by 5 January 2020, and all bid-related questions should be directed in writing to kezia.lilenstein@uct.ac.za.

The Inclusive Growth Programme (IGP) is an initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry. The Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) is the IGP’s Implementing Partner.