RFP: Best Practice Masterplan Development and Implementation Framework
Qualified and experienced research organisations, policy practitioners and research specialists, preferably those who have been involved in sectoral masterplan development under the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) or a related Department, are invited to submit proposals to facilitate and develop a delivery model and toolkit for the development and implementation of masterplans.
The dtic is in the process of developing sectoral master plans as part of the Re-Imagined Industrial Strategy. The dtic launched a series of sectoral masterplans in 2019, the first of which was the automotive sector masterplan. These masterplans are either under the direct supervision of the dtic, or the respective lead departments with the secretariat support of the dtic. To date, seven masterplans have been approved, and sixteen are in various stages of development.
A service provider is required to consolidate the methodologies adopted by the various masterplans, evaluate best practices and provide a model for masterplan development and implementation. This is to guide ongoing and future masterplan development processes and serve to consolidate the learnings arising out of the process. The framework should be flexible enough to allow for adaptation as required by the specific sector, taking into account the work that has already been done and the specific sector dynamics. The service provider should identify the critical path and provide appropriate mechanisms for development, implementation, funding and monitoring of the masterplan, with relevant examples, and the requisite governance structures and philosophy underpinning the process.
For details and information on the deliverables, conditions, submission and evaluation processes etc. please read the RFP Terms of Reference.
Proposals must be submitted by email to Kezia.Lilenstein@uct.ac.za by 06 JULY at 17:00, using subject line: "RFP – Best Practice Masterplan Implementation Framework".
Please direct all technical and bid-related questions to Kezia.Lilenstein@uct.ac.za.