Prof Haroon Bhorat attends the Conference on Promoting Green and Sustainable Growth

Prof. Haroon Bhorat was a discussion leader for Session 6 – Adjustment, Resilience and Inclusion in an Uncertain World, at the Conference on Promoting Green and Sustainable Growth (Under the aegis of India’s G20 Presidency) held on 28-29 July 2023 in ITC Maurya, New Delhi. Prof. Bhorat joined the event virtually.
The Global Development Network (GDN) hosted the conference in collaboration with NITI Aayog and International Development Research Centre (IDRC), aiming to address growth in relation to topics such as trade, climate change adaptation, resilience, technology and jobs, and financial investments, and brings together leading experts to weigh in on the above issues.
Conclusions reached include the realisation that adopting progressive labour practices and leveraging emerging technologies, particularly in developing markets, can be transformative.
A publication will be available before the end of the year and will be part of the hand-over package to Brazil, who assumes the G20 Presidency next.