In order to achieve our key mandate of producing high-quality research and economic opinion on environmental policy issues, we use a wide range of outreach methods to inform policy, connect with other specialists, and promote environmental economics to non-specialists.

Informing policy
We place a strong focus on building relationships with policy makers, bureaucrats, and the private sector, engaging key individuals and organisations both proactively and reactively with respect to agenda setting, policy design, formulation, and implementation.
As far as possible, we collaborate with key stakeholders at the research design phase, asking them to advise us on the sorts of problems that they would like us to work on, and getting their input on our research ideas.
When relevant, we also organise policy workshops with government decision makers (including those from the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, and the South African National Biodiversity Institute), using these events to showcase and discuss our ongoing research as well as potential avenues for future research.
Lastly, we develop policy briefs, and give presentations for specific decision makers (at national, provincial and local government bodies, government think tanks, and parliamentary committees), ensuring these align directly with their information needs and priorities.
Connecting with other specialists
We publish research briefs, discussion papers and peer-reviewed scientific papers. We also present our research findings to academics at departmental seminar series, and local and international conferences.
Promoting environmental economics to non-specialists
We write media articles for high-profile publications, and interact with media representatives when possible. We share news articles, policy impact stories, blogs and other communication material via the EfD website. EPRU members also give public lectures at the UCT Summer School program.