Research Fellows
ALEM, Yonas
Yonas Alem is the Director of Academic Programs at the Environment for Development (EfD) and an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg. He is also a researcher at MIT's Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). He received his PhD at the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg. Alem’s research is at the intersection of development economics, environmental economics, and behavioral and experimental economics with a particular focus on risk and shocks, energy and climate, technology adoption, preference formation, and poverty dynamics in the developing regions of Africa and South Asia. His research uses panel data econometrics and impact evaluation methods, primarily large-scale randomized controlled trials. Alem has engaged in teaching in the following courses: Advanced Panel Data Econometrics (PhD), Causal Inference and Impact Evaluation (PhD), Development Economics (PhD), Academic Writing and Research Ethics (PhD). Since 2012, Yonas Alem supervised PhDs dissertations of eight candidates at the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, and trained and mentored 20 EfD Early Career Fellows.
Additional links: EfD Profile
BLACK, Anthony
Anthony Black is Professor in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and Director of Policy Research in International Services and Manufacturing (PRISM). He holds degrees from the Universities of Cape Town, Sussex (United Kingdom), and KwaZulu-Natal (Durban, South Africa). From 2003 to 2005 he was Director of the School of Economics. His main fields of expertise are development economics, trade and industrial policy. He has acted as an advisor to the Department of Trade and Industry in South Africa, and played a key role in the establishment and implementation of the Motor Industry Development Programme and subsequent automotive policy. He has also acted as a consultant to other African governments as well as to a number of organizations, including UNIDO and UNCTAD. His publications include two edited volumes, Towards Employment Intensive Growth in South Africa (2016) and Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges of Integration into the Global Economy (2019). Research collaborations or fellowships with institutions internationally have included the International Motor Vehicle Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, the Centre for New and Emerging Markets at the London Business School, Groupe dEtudes et de Recherche Permanent sur l'Industrie et les Salaries de l'Automobile (GERPISA) in Paris, the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) in Helsinki, and the United Nations University Institute for New Technology (UNUIntech) in Maastricht in the Netherlands. Research focus Development economics, industrial policy and green industrialization; automotive industry and electric vehicles; garment industry; foreign direct investment; trade and regional integration.
Contact: ; +27 21 650 2729
Reza Daniels is an Associate Professor with the School of Economics at UCT. As a Senior Research Fellow at EPRU, he contributes to EPRU's emerging research in greener economic growth, waste management and beneficiation, biomass commercialisation technologies, and behavioural nudges that inform plastics use and mis-use. He is also a research associate with the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) in the UCT School of Economics. In 2020, Reza is also a visiting Associate Professor at the Economics and Planning Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi, India.
Contact:; +27 (0)21 650 4100
Dr. Allan Davids is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town and until 2023, held the South African Reserve Bank Research Chair in Financial Stability Studies. Allan holds a PhD in Economics from UCT and has spent time as a visiting academic at several leading universities, including the Stern School of Business at New York University, the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London. Allan’s research spans topics from housing, household finance, and public finance, with a growing interest in climate finance. At UCT, Allan teaches public finance and econometrics and also convenes the Masters in Financial Technology, the first Master’s degree specializing in Financial Technology on the African continent.
LEIMAN, Anthony
Tony Leiman is an Emeritus Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town School of Economics and former EPRU director. He has been researching and teaching environmental economics since 1990. In 1993/4 he spent a sabbatical year at CSERGE (University College London) which cemented his interest in the field. His research areas include fisheries, mining, pollution control, and project appraisal. Research focus: Fisheries; mining policy and taxation; water policy and treatment of grey water; air pollution; road management.
Contact:; +27-21-6502725
Edwin Muchapondwa is a Professor of Economics in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town (UCT). He is a guest professor at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. Edwin was the founding director of EPRU at UCT in 2007, and now remains within the center as a Senior Research Fellow. He is also the former director of the UCT School of Economics. Within the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative, Edwin serves on the EfD board, is chair of the EfD quality assurance panel, and director of EfD International (EfD’s fundraising non-profit organization in the United States). Edwin’s research deals with biodiversity conservation, community-based natural resource management, energy, and climate change. A special focus of his research has been the economic questions surrounding the interaction between protected natural areas and communities living adjacent to these. Nature conservation is often not considered to be adequately people-centered. Stakeholders who regulate economies usually prioritise people-centered objectives, such as poverty and inequality reduction. Because nature conservation is not considered as being sufficiently people-centered, governments often do not allocated equal priority and sufficient resources. Edwin’s research demonstrates the economic arguments for nature conservation, showing how greater protection of nature correlates with improvements in human welfare, and provides strategies to further enhance nature conservation. Edwin has previously served as a resource person for the Environmental Economics Capacity Building program run by the Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA) and vice president of the Economic Society of South Africa. Previously, he has consulted for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). Edwin is a member of the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Expert Working Group on Natural Capital. He is also the country representative for South Africa at the European Association for Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), is the secretary general of the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) His research has been published in international journals such as Ecological Economics, Environment and Development Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Natural Resource Modeling and World Development. Edwin also serves as the chair of EfD’s Capacity Development Committee and is director of the EfD Collaborative Program on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (3CSD).
Contact:; +27 21 650 5242
Jane Turpie has a PhD in Behavioural Ecology (1994) and has worked and taught in the applied fields of Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Economics for the past 25 years. Her interests and experience are broad, but tend to have in common her interest in getting to grips with the bigger picture, solving wide-scale and multidisciplinary, integrative problems. Her environmental economics research has concentrated on the valuation of natural resources as well as valuation, modelling and experimental studies to inform policy measures relating to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. She has carried out a number of studies on the economic values and tradeoffs in the management of wetlands, agricultural and rangeland systems and protected areas throughout Southern and Eastern Africa, using methods such as stated preference and revealed preference valuation studies, social surveys on livelihoods and resource use, and the analysis of satellite data and big data. Her current research interests include the mapping and valuation of ecosystem services, natural capital accounting, and economic analysis to guide the design and planning of nature-based solutions to address land degradation, urban environmental issues and climate change adaptation. She has published 61 scientific papers and 7 book chapters and has written more than 180 technical reports.
Contact:; +21 (0)21 701 3420
VISSER, Martine
Martine Visser a senior research fellow and ex-director at EPRU. She is a Professor in the School of Economics, University of Cape Town and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Martine is currently a Research Chair with the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI). She is also associated with various research units within the School of Economics, including the Environmental Policy Research Unit (EPRU), the Research Unit of Behavioural and Neuro-economics Research (RUBEN) and the South African Labour Development Research Unit (SALDRU). In 2022 Martine was awarded the Governance and Economics of Ecological Infrastructure Research Chair presented by The South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) and co-funded by DSI/NRF-DEA/WRC Water RDI Roadmap. Martine specialises in behavioural economic applications to climate change, natural resource use, health and poverty alleviation. She is interested in how social norms and preferences such as trust, cooperation and risk aversion impact on decision making. Martine mainly uses experimental methods (in the lab and in the field) combined with survey analysis and randomised control trials. Recent experimental and empirical studies have focused on cooperation and risk related to climate change, risky sexual behavior and social norms. She is also involved in several projects investigating the role of local governance and social institutions in the provision of basic services to the poor and its effects on subjective wellbeing.
Honorary Research Fellows
KÖHLIN, Gunnar
Gunnar Köhlin is the Director of Environment for Development. He is also an Associate Professor at the Environmental Economics Unit, Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg. He has spent 30 years working with applications of environmental economics in developing countries including the development of a dedicated PhD program in environmental and development economics. His research interests focus on natural resource management and environmental policy analysis in developing countries. The applications have focused on forestry, energy and sustainable agriculture as well as environmental strategies at the country level.
Contact:; +46 31 786 4426
Thomas Sterner is a professor of environmental economics in Gothenburg and a university fellow at RFF, in 2012-2013 he was on sabbatical leave from Gothenburg and worked as Chief Economist at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). His main areas of work at the EDF were on instrument design for climate policy, catch shares in fisheries and other areas. Thomas Sterner initiated the environmental economics unit in Gothenburg and participated in its build-up since 1990. He has written a large number of books and articles on different applications ranging from energy and climate, through natural resource management such as fisheries to issues relating to industrial and transport pollution. His work covers institutions in different kinds of economies, market, planned and developing. Thomas Sterner teaches PhD and undergraduate courses in environmental and resource economics and is also active in a number of boards and networks such as CEEPA, LACEEP, SANDEE, and AERC.
Contact:; +46-31-786 1377
Additional links: Personal webpage; EEU page; Sustainable Future Policy Lab page
Other Team Members
Solomon Aboagye Postdoctoral
Josh Gray Masters
Ehi Idoko PhD
Kgomotso Montsi PhD
Obrian Ndhlovu Postdoctoral
Princewill Okwoche Postdoctoral
Abdiaziz Ahmed PhD
Tamsyn Dekenah Masters
Micaela Dunn Masters
Richard Freund PhD
Imaan Ghoor Masters
Samuel Mensah PhD
Gerald Ngoma PhD
Yohannes Kefale Mogess PhD
Rameck Rwakalaza PhD
Sampa David Shinyunga PhD
Chikumbe Sankwa PhD
Julieth Tibanywana PhD
Manuel Barron University of California, Santa Cruz
Mintewab Bezabih London School of Economics
Thinus Booysen Stellenbosch University
Lydia Chikumbi Postdoctoral
Sydney Chishimba Postdoctoral
Jorge Garcia Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota
Zachary Gitonga University of Cape Town
Merlin Hanauer Sonoma University, USA
Petra Holden African Climate and Development Initiative
Gerald Kibira Postdoctoral
Rebecca Klege University of Gothenburg
Coretha Komba Mzumbe University
Collen Matema Postdoctoral
Chalmers Mulwa International Potato Centre, Nairobi
Herbert Ntuli CSIR
Isaac Kwamena Nunoo Postdoctoral
Kevin Rugaimukamu Postdoctoral
Felicity Downes Operations Coordinator
June Titus Administrative Assistant
Alansa Klaasen Administrative Assistant