Dr Amin Karimu


In 2023 Dr Amin Karimu stepped into the role of Natural Capital Collaborative coordination at EPRU

Amin Karimu an Associate Professor in Economics and a Senior Research Fellow at the Environmental Policy Research Unit (EPRU), University of Cape Town. His background is in Energy and Environmental Economics, He had both his master’s and Ph.D. in Economics from Sweden.

Research interests

His research interest includes areas such as sustainable management practices in the extractive industries, Electricity market design, Renewable energy and value addition in the agricultural sector, Natural resource management and climate change, Climate change and sustainable development, Sustainable development, and its financing and Energy project evaluation and risk assessment.


Supervised more than 20 master’s theses since 2016, more than 30 MBAs, external reviewer of 5 Ph.D. theses, co-supervised 3 PhDs to completion, and currently supervising 3 PhDs.

Grants and consultancy

  • Rural renewable energy MSMEs operating to modernize agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia: Barriers, opportunities, and implications for inclusive low-carbon transition, funded by IDRC, 2023.
  • Welfare Implication of Reversing Ghana's Electricity Tariff Structure, funded by International Growth Centre (IGC), 2023
  • Solar awareness program for SMEs in Ghana, funded by GIZ, 2021
  • Energy, and sustainable development goals project, funded by Swedish Energy Agency, 2018-2019
  • Dynamic pricing of electricity in Sweden, funded by Swedish Energy Agency,2017-2018
  • Managing natural resources for sustainable and inclusive growth, UNU-WIDER project, 2015-201

Policy engagement

  • Member of the team to evaluate the effect of tariff reversal by the Public Utility Regulatory Commission (PURC) of Ghana on welfare of households and firms.
  • Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) Programme for five East African Countries.
  • A team member who provided input to the Swedish Policymakers on why electricity prices are high after the deregulation of the electricity sector.