Bachelor of Commerce specialising in Management Studies [CB001BUS06] is the most flexible degree offered in the Faculty of Commerce. It gives students the ability to discover what they enjoy during their first and second years of study and make adjustments before their final year. The degree enables this by allowing students to take the same core courses as BBusSc students up to the third-year level. How this works is if you are a student interested in this degree, you will be prescribed more courses than your peers on the other BCom degrees. In addition to the 18 core courses, you will be required to complete another 9 electives.
This gives students a chance to discover what they enjoy doing within the School of Management Studies and honing in on that to complete their degree. This also sets the trajectory for their subsequent postgraduate degrees, so it is important that you aren't sure what you want to do after attaining your degree that you seek guidance and introspection during this time. This degree leaves room to do just that.
Is this the right choice for you?
This is the ideal degree for a student who wants a more personalised combination of disciplines and the opportunity to tailor the degree to their specific requirements.
For more information on the courses, please refer to the Commerce Undergraduate Handbook.
For information on applying to UCT, admission requirements, National Benchmark Tests, and key dates, please consult UCT’s Undergraduate Prospectus.