When considering your options in accounting it's important to look all the available degrees and diplomas that you can choose from.  

Undergraduate programmes

The College of Accounting offers undergraduate three-year BCom degrees specialising in Financial Accounting with the following options, referred to as streams:

Students who want to follow the CA (SA) career path can either enrol for the three-year  BCom Chartered Accountant or the four-year BBusSc Finance with Accounting offered by the Department of Finance and Tax. After finishing either undergraduate degree, students must complete a one-year Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA).

The Advanced Diploma is a one-year, full-time programme that replicates the final year of the BCom Financial Accounting: Chartered Accountant degree, aimed at graduates of other programmes who meet the requirements for the prescribed courses.

Postgraduate programmes

In addition to undergraduate studies, the college also offers a number of postgraduate programmes: