Background | The Team | Outputs
Initial conversations and conceptualisation regarding a comprehensive package of support for youth were led by the PII/ Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU) at the University of Cape Town in partnership with a growing and multi-disciplinary coalition of partners:
- Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town;
- Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg;
- DG Murray Trust;
- Economies of Regions Learning Network;
- Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC);
- Mandela Initiative;
- Programme to Support Pro-Poor Policy Development, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME).
Staff members from these partners who played a key role were:

Ariane De Lannoy PII, UCT
Ariane is a Chief Principle Researcher and Associate Professor at the the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit at the University of Cape Town. She has been leading the youth research programme of the PII since its inception in 2014.

Lauren Graham CSDA, UJ
Lauren is the Director of the Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA) at the University of Johannesburg.

Murray Leibbrandt Principal Investigator SALDRU & PII, UCT
Professor Murray Leibbrandt is the Director of the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU), holds a DST-NRF National Research Chair of Poverty and Inequality Research and is a Research Fellow for the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) in Bonn, Germany. He has researched and published extensively on South African poverty‚ inequality and labour market dynamics using survey data and‚ in particular‚ panel data.

Najwah Allie-Edries Principal Investigator, The Jobs Fund
Najwah Edries is the Head of the South African National Treasury’s Jobs Fund, which was launched in 2011.

Leila Patel Principal Investigator, CSDA, UJ
Professor Leila Patel is the DST-NRF South African Research Chair in Welfare and Social Development, based at the University of Johannesburg.