Evidence-Based Policy-Making and Implementation 2014
The high-level course was targeted at senior executive members, and sought to inform and enthuse participants about evidence-based policy-making and implementation, providing them with an overview of the language, concepts and tools used in this area, as well as introducing them to a range of national and international resources for use in EBPM&I.
The course was well attended by senior executives, from both the national and provincial level, with some Departments sending management teams to attend. Participant feedback revealed that the course material covered was well received and considered to be both of a very high standard and practically useful in participants’ ongoing work. An additional reported benefit of course related to the time granted by the course for interaction with peers in senior management from other departments, as well as the ability, in some cases, to work closely with a team of members from the same department in order to embed learning and make progress in dealing with department specific issues. The high demand for, and very positive reception, of the course will ensure that the course is repeated over the coming year.
The course was made possible by the support of UKAid and the European Union.
View course presentations