Bringing together policy makers, activists, negotiators, researchers and private sector stakeholders to analyse and discuss climate change and its impact on urban transitions, food security and future development.
- Africa must be equipped to respond to the impact of climate change
- We create platforms to build knowledge and foster debate
- We formulate policy responses
- Bring together policy makers, negotiators, civil society leaders and private sector stakeholders
- Look at urban transitions, food security and climate resilient development
- Strengthening a network of African academic policy schools and think tanks
Building the Climate Change and Economic Development Academy cannot be done alone. Therefore, the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance has built a strategic partnership with the United Nations Systems Staff College (UNSSC) which shares the vision of developing the next generation of leaders across the African continent on Climate and Development.
Partnerships have also been forged with three leading global academic institutions – the School of Oriental and African Studies: SOAS University of London, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Sciences Po – to design and deliver executive education and capacity development programmes inclusive of facilitating policy dialogues and implementation hubs across the African continent.