Postponed: Afrobarometer information session

The Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance will host a session on the Afrobarometer, a survey that provides robust and representative views of the adult population in 34 African countries on a range of key issues relating to, inter alia, governance, perceived performance of public institutions, service delivery, civil society engagement, public participation, leadership, corruption and democratic values. The survey provides empirically valid cross-sectional and longitudinal data to examine current and historical trends and patterns on these issues.
Come and learn more about the Afrobarometer and how the dataset enables research and analysis on issues pertinent to the SDGs.
Event host: Professor Rajen Govender
Date: Thursday, 23 April 2020
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Venue: The Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, 27 Burg Road, Rondebosch
RSVP: by 6 April 2020
The venue can accommodate a maximum of 25 people. Attendance will be confirmed via email.

His primary competencies are in research design and methodology (experimental, quantitative and qualitative), and complex multivariate modelling. His research portfolio covers public health, substance use, burn and traffic injuries, social justice, antidiscrimination, reconciliation, and development policy and practice. He has worked in diverse countries in Africa, Middle East and Asia, has published over 35 peer reviewed journal articles, co-edited the volume Rethinking Reconciliation: Evidence from South Africa, and authored over 80 commissioned reports and briefs.
He currently divides his time at University of Cape Town between the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance and the Department of Sociology, is Senior Research Specialist at the Violence Injury and Peace Research Unit (VIPRU) at the SA Medical Research Council, and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation.