The Mandela School hosts a webinar on Public Procurement this October

The Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, together with its partners, The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES), Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results – Anglophone Africa (CLEAR AA), and the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) in Uganda, invites you to an interactive webinar session.
This webinar draws from a chapter in the book, Using Evidence in Policy and Practice: Lessons from Africa (2020) by Ian Goldman and Mine Pabari. The webinar will explore how evidence from an evaluation of public procurement in Uganda was used, and the lessons emerging from this for evidence use in government.
Policy brief: Evaluation evidence for public procurement policymaking in Uganda
Topic: The influence of local ownership and politics on the use of evaluations in policymaking
Date: Wednesday, 7 October 2020
Time: 15:00 – 16:30 (CAT)
Registration form:
Moderator: Dr Shanil Haricharan, Academic Director, The Mandela School
Timothy Lubanga, Commisioner for Monitoring and Evaluation at the Office of the Prime Minsiter, Uganda
Dr Ismael Kawooya, Medical doctor and epidemiologist at The Centre for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES)
Mine Pabari, Visiting Research Fellow, CLEAR Anglophone Africa; Managing Partner, Athari Advisory. Co-PI and Co-Editor for the book, Using Evidence in Policy and Practice: Lessons from Africa
Professor Ian Goldman, Advisor: Evaluation and Evidence Systems, CLEAR Anglophone Africa. PI and Editor for the book, Using Evidence in Policy and Practice: Lessons from Africa

Please note, this is a free online event. Kindly register to attend by using the link provided here.
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