Find here selected articles, papers and reports (2021 to date).


Schaeffer, R., Schipper, L., Ospina, D., et al. (2024). 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2024/2025. Future Earth, The Earth League, WCRP: Stockholm. doi:10.5281/zenodo.13950098

Peer-reviewed journals

Aina, I.V., Ayinde, O., Thiam, D.R. & Miranda, M.J. (2024). Climate risk adaptation through livestock insurance: Evidence from a pilot programme in NigeriaClimate and Development. 1–12. DOI:

Aina, I.V., Ayinde, O., Thiam, D.R. & Miranda, M.J. (2024). Crop index insurance as a tool for climate resilience: Lessons from smallholder farmers in Nigeria. Natural Hazards. DOI:

Apio A.T., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2024). A meta-analysis of water institutions and their performance: Implications for water resource management. Water Resources Management. DOI:

Frempong, R.B., Stadelmann, D. & Thiam, D.R. (2024). Clean energy adoption in developing countries: New evidence of the relevance of risk aversion and education. The Journal of Development Studies. 1–15. DOI:

Grafton, R.Q., Fanaian, S., Horne, J., et al. (2024). Rethinking responses to the world’s water crises. Nature Sustainability. DOI: 

Magbonde, G.K., Thiam, D.R. & Konte, M.A. (2024). Foreign direct investment, institutions, and domestic investment in developing countries: Is there a crowding-out effect? Comparative Economic Studies. DOI:

Magbonde, G.K., Thiam, D.R. & Wagner, N. (2024). The economic impacts of rural water supply infrastructure in developing countries: Empirical evidence from Senegal. Environmental and Resource Economics. DOI:

Ndahangwapo, N., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2024). Land subsidence impacts and optimal groundwater management in South Africa. Environmental and Resource Economics. DOI: | Online appendix

Ongudi, S., Thiam, D.R., Miranda, M.J. & Sam, A. (2024). The direct and indirect effects of cash transfer program on the consumption of nutrients: Evidence from Kenya. Agricultural Economics, pp 1–24. DOI:

Van Huyssteen, T., Thiam, D.R. & Nonhebel, S. (2024). The determinants of household water demand: A focus on water, energy, and food prices. Water Economics and Policy. DOI:

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2023). Economics of household preferences for water-saving technologies in urban South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management, 339, 117953. DOI: 

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2023). Substitution of piped water and self-supplied groundwater: The case of residential water in South Africa. Utilities Policy, 80. DOI:

Apio A.T., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2023). Farming under drought: An analysis of the factors influencing farmers' multiple adoption of water conservation practices to mitigate farm-level water scarcity. Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics, pp 1–39. DOI:

Ongudi, S., Thiam, D.R. & Wagner, N. (2023). Public transfers and crowding-in and out of private transfers: Experimental evidence from Kenya. World Development Perspectives, 31. DOI:

van Huyssteen, T., Thiam, D.R. & Nonhebel, S. (2023). The water, land, and carbon intensity of electricity production: The case of South Africa. Journal of Cleaner Production, 411: 136945. DOI:

Jones, J.L., White, D.D. & Thiam, D.R. (2022). Media framing of the Cape Town water crisis: Perspectives on the food-energy-water nexus. Regional Environmental Change, 2, pp 110. DOI:

Magbonde, G.K., Thiam, D.R. & Konte, M.A. (2022). Crowding-out effects and foreign direct investments in developing countriesRevue d'économie du développement. 31, pp 157–162

Seck, A. & Thiam, D.R. (2022). Understanding consumers’ willingness to pay for organic food in sub-Saharan Africa: A double-bound contingent method applied in Dakar, Senegal. African Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, 17(1), pp 31–47. DOI:

Chikumbi, L., Ščasný, M., Muchapondwa, E. & Thiam, D.R. (2021). Premium price for natural preservatives in wine: A discrete choice experiment. Wine Economics and Policy, 10(1), pp 101–118. DOI:

Fonta, W.E., Nwosu, E.O., Thiam, D.R. & Ayuk, E.T. (2021). The development outcomes of remittance inflows to Nigeria: The case of the South-East geopolitical zone. Migration and Development, 11(3), pp 1087–1103. DOI:

Thiam, D.R., Dinar, A. & Ntuli, H. (2021). Promotion of residential water conservation measures in South Africa: The role of water-saving equipment. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 23(1), pp 173–210. DOI:

Conference papers

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2023). Analysis of water conservation measures and their associated policy implications in urban South Africa: The case of Cape Town. SEEPS (Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies) Camp. Online, 16–17 Feb.

Apio, A.T., Thiam, D.R., Dinar, A. & Meyerhoff, J. (2022). Farmers’ willingness to accept compensation to control agricultural nonpoint source pollution in the Limpopo River Basin of South Africa. African Economic Conference (AEC) 2022. Balaclava, Mauritius, 9–11 Dec.

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2022). Achieving sustainable water management: Perspective from residential household farming in South Africa. 96th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society (AES). Leuven, Belgium, 4–6 Apr.

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2022). Climate-smart governance in water consumption: The case of residential water in South Africa. CSAE-ISSER Workshop 2022: "Economic Development in Africa". Accra, Ghana, 28–30 Nov.

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2022). Perspectives from residential water regulation in South Africa: Achieving sustainable water management. 8th Canadian PhD and Early Career Workshop in Environmental and Resource Economics. Ottawa, Canada, 6–7 Jun.

Aina, I.V. & Efuntoye, O. (2022). South African labour market and income inequality: Medium-term effects from the COVID-19 pandemic. WIDER Development Conference. Bogotá, Colombia, 5–7 Oct.

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2021). Regulated and unregulated substitutes in water consumption: The case of residential water in South Africa. 4th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Groundwater Conference. Online. 10–12 Nov.

Aina, I.V., Thiam, D.R. & Dinar, A. (2021). The analysis of water conservation measures and their associated policy implications in urban South Africa: The case of Cape Town. 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). Online, 23–25 Jun.

Research reports

Thesis and dissertations, authored or supervised by the WPE team

Aina, I.V. (2023). Economic analysis of urban water resources under drought: Understanding water management and planning in South Africa. UCT Faculty of Commerce, School of Economics. 

Ongudi, S. (2022). Social safety nets in presence of weather shocks: Three essays on development economics from village economies in Kenya. UCT Faculty of Commerce, School of Economics. 

Putu, T.L. (2021). The implication of privatising water supply in sub-Saharan Africa: A qualitative study on urban water supply public-private partnerships in Ghana and Tanzania. UCT Faculty of Commerce, School of Economics. 

van Huyssteen, T. (2021). The analysis of the factors affecting household water consumption in Mpumalanga, South Africa. UCT Faculty of Commerce, School of Economics.