What Do Auditors Do? [± 5 mins]
This video explains what auditors actually do – with Sumaya West

The Audit Process [± 6 mins]
This video explains the four stages of the audit process – with Wayne Coetzee

Fraud [±7 mins]
This video explains what fraud is and whether it is relevant to an external audit – with Mark van Rensburg

What is a Misstatement? [± 5 mins]
This video explains what is meant by a misstatement – with Sumaya West

Materiality [±5 mins]
This video explains the concept of materiality – with Wayne Coetzee

What are Assertions? [±6 mins]
This video explains what is meant by assertions in auditing – with Sumaya West

Business Risk vs Audit Risk [±6 mins]
This video explains why understanding business and audit risks are important to both management and auditors – with Wayne Coetzee

The Audit Risk Formula [± 8 mins]
This video explains a key part of how an audit actually takes place: the audit risk formula – with Mark van Rensburg

Control Testing [±7 mins]
This video explains tests of control and how they differ from substantive testing – with Mark van Rensburg

Modified Audit Opinions [±6 mins]
This video explains what is meant by a modified audit opinion – with Sumaya West (co-authored by John Chambers (UZ))

An Overview of the Audit Process [±9 mins]
This video explains how the various audit process topics link together i.e. the big picture – with Sumaya West