Demystifying Financial Management [±6 min]
This video introduces students to the discipline of financial management – with Paul Maughan

Net Present Value [±8 mins]
This video explains Net Present Value (NPV) and discusses why it is the most important concept in finance – with Carlos Correia

Different Sources of Finance and the Risk-Return Relationship [±11 mins]
This video explains the different sources of finance and why some financial instruments have higher risk attached to it – with Paul Maughan 

The Intrinsic Value of Financial Instruments [± 7 mins]
This video explains calculating the intrinsic value of a financial instrument as a decision-making tool – with Nuria Jakoet (authored by Jolandi Gevers).

Valuations: Understanding the Market and Market Value [±9 mins]
This video explains the market value of a financial instrument and how it is set – with Jolandi Gevers

WACC – What, Why and How?
This video explains what the Weighted Average Cost of Capital means and how it is used as a decision-making tool – with Jason Ker-Fox (authored by Jolandi Gevers)