The CoP MtM & CeBER teams hosted a workshop on 24th May in Johannesburg, to discuss "Driving Post-mining Industrial Development through Fibrous Multi-product Value Chains". The workshop followed a site visit the previous day, to the Anglo Coal Kromdraai mine in Mpumalanga.
Workshop Objectives (full programme):
- Outline the fundamental aspects of mine rehabilitation - soil, water, climate, contamination.
- Assess the cultivation potential of degraded mine land for the growth of bamboo and bast fibre crops like hemp and kenaf.
- Evaluate and compare product options for bamboo and bast fibre crops.
- Investigate and identify the processing routes for bamboo and bast fibre crops – from harvesting to downstream processing.
- Understand and engage on related key projects in South Africa.
- Jennifer Broadhurst: Introduction
- CeBER: Can fibre-rich plants serve the joint role of remediation of degraded mine land and fuelling of a multi-product value chain?
- Wayne Truter: Crop cultivation and plant remediation – The fundamentals
- Graham Thompson: Fibre crops cultivation: Current growth initiatives in South Africa
- Minerals to Metals: Overview of downstream options for the recovery of value from fibre-producing plants
- Maya John: Developing plant fibre-based products for industrial sectors - Overview of South Africa’s fibre industry
- Adrian Sutton: Bamboo value chain opportunities within the South African market
- Ritva Muhlbauer: The Green Engine
- Bamboo Roundtable Discussion Notes
- Mine Rehabilitation Roundtable Discussion Notes
- Bast Fibre Plant Cultivation Roundtable Discussion Notes
- Bast Fibre Product Recovery Roundtable Discussion Notes