Assessment of the effectiveness of the WHO FCTC
Recently the PI of the Economics of Tobacco Control Project, Corne van Walbeek, was nominated by the African region of the World Health Organisation (WHO AFRO) to serve on a panel of experts that is tasked to assess the effectiveness of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). The FCTC was ratified in 2005 and currently has 180 Parties. The aim of the FCTC is to reduce the consumption of tobacco products through a number of interventions, including raising taxes, banning all forms of advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and restricting smoking in public places.
The expert group, which consists of seven members (six nominated by the six WHO regions and one nominated by civil society), has been tasked by the Conference of the Parties to assess the effectiveness of the FCTC in bringing about policy change in the area of tobacco control. Through desk research and on-site visits, the expert panel will assess the FCTC in twelve member countries: three from each of the income groups as classified by the World Bank.
The report of the expert panel will be submitted to the next Conference of the Parties that will be held in India towards the end of 2016.
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