14 March 2025: Sam Filby interviewed on eNCA's Lunchtime Update Discussion, about teens vaping at alarmingly high rate. |
13 March 2025 Corné van Walbeek was interviewed on CapeTalk by Lester Kiewit about higher ‘sin taxes’ likely to come into effect on 1 April. |
12 March 2024: Sam Filby interviewed on SAfm about a recent study involving over 25,000 students across eight provinces in South Africa, that has revealed a significant rise in adolescent vaping, highlighting a growing public health crisis. |
11 March 2025: Corné van Walbeek was interviewed on Cape Talk by John Maytham, to assess the concerns raised by the Beer Association of South Africa (BASA) regarding proposed changes to alcohol taxation. |
7 January 2025: Corné van Walbeek was interviewed on BBC Focus on Africa: "Will increasing tax in South Africa help stop excessive drinking?" |
25 November 2024: Sam Filby interviewed on Cape Talk Breakfast show, about "Should SA follow Limpopo’s example and enforce booze curfews in the festive season?". |
14 November 2024: Corné van Walbeek interviewed on the Cape Talk 702 early breakfast show, about "Changes to tax on alcoholic drinks are coming! How to comment…" |
14 November 2024: Corné van Walbeek interview on Cape talk radio afternoon drive about "National Treasury proposes tax measures to curb hazardous alcohol use". |
2 Nov 2024: Estelle Dauchy interviewed by the Bhekisisa on novel tobacco products, especially e-cigarettes, in South Africa: "Will SA’s new vaping laws lead to more smokers instead of fewer?". |
12 September 2024: Corné van Walbeek interviewed on Cape Talk by John Maytham on 567 Cape Talk radio, about the proposed new tobacco control legislation and the impact that it may have on vaping and the vaping industry. |
3 September 2024: Sam Filby interviewed on SAfm on “The reintroduction of the Control of Tobacco Control Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Bill” (no link available) |
8 August 2024: Sam Filby interviewed on Cape Talk radio 567 “Do we really need beer adverts during sporting events.” |
3 April 2024: Corné van Walbeek on "Failure to end the illicit cigarette trade has cost SA billions" on eNCA (no link available). |
4 April 2024: Newsroom Afrika: Corné van Walbeek interviewed on “SA loses billions due to illicit cigarette trade”. |
2 April 2024: Corné van Walbeek interviewed with SAFM the Morning Brief: Mediated Conversation: Failure to end the illicit cigarette trade has cost country billions. |
2 April 2024: "Failure to end the illicit cigarette trade has cost SA billions" on Radio 702 (no link available). |
2 April 2024: "Failure to end the illicit cigarette trade has cost SA billions" - Smile FM (no link available). |
22 August 2023: Sam Filby talked on Radio 786 about research on quitting behaviour during the tobacco sales ban in South Africa (no link available). |
8 August 2023: This is why the vaping tax won't really deter young people from smoking on CapeTalk (no link available). |
5 June 2023: Sam Filby on Smile 90.4 FM – Alcohol trading times study. No link available. |
4 June 2023: Sam Filby on SAfm discussing South African study calculates impact of limiting alcohol trading hours. |
1 June 2023: Sam Filby on Cape Talk radio, on Limiting alcohol sales. |
3 June 2023: TV interview on eNCA Social, Sam Filby discussing alcohol trading time restrictions in the Western Cape. |
2 June 2023: Corné van Walbeek spoke to Lester Kiewit on Cape Talk Radio, about South Africa’s newly-introduced e-cigarette tax and why it may not be enough to reduce vaping. |
31 May 2023: Sam Filby on Channel Africa – Afrika tonight (international station) discussing “Tobacco-control policies that work best to reduce tobacco use in Africa”. No recording available. |
31 May 2023: Sam Filby on SAfm discussing Tobacco cessation in Africa. No recording available. |
31 May 2023: Sam Filby on Moneyweb radio discussing “The drink up closing time study.” |
31 May 2023: Sam Filby on SAfm discussing “Tobacco cessation in Africa”. No recording available. |
30 May 2023: Sam Filby on Kaya 959 discussing “SA study finds limiting alcohol opening hours will save lives”. |
30 May 2023: Sam Filby on Radio 702 discussing “South African study calculates that limiting alcohol opening hours will save lives”. |
16 May 2023: Kirsten van der Zee interviewed by Chai FM in a podcast to discuss the topic of the "new coming sin tax: What is it and how does it affect vaping and is it enough to decrease the smoking rate?" No recording available. |
16 May 2023: Corné van Walbeek interviewed on SAfm’s “mediated discussion” on 'Next month a new tax of R2.90 per millilitre will be imposed on nicotine and non-nicotine vape juice". The National Council Against Smoking was also interviewed in the same discussion. |
15 May 2023: Sam Filby appeared on CapeTalk with Dr Kieran Mcleod to discuss ByeGwaai, South Africa’s first app-based smoking cessation programme. |
24 January 2023: Sam Filby participated in a Mediated conversation on SAfm: Smoking and the illicit market. |
16 January 2023: Corné van Walbeek interviewed by John Maytham on CapeTalk. The interview focused on BATSA’s recent decision to retrench its workers citing a decline in sales due to illicit trade in South Africa. |
16 January 2023: Corné van Walbeek interviewed on SAfm by Sechaba Gqeba, focused on higher tobacco taxes and enforcement in South Africa. |
10 December 2022: Sam Filby interviewed on eNCA discussing tobacco taxes and illicit trade, titled "Cracking down on lighting up". |
9 December 2022 Sam Filby on Smile904FM. Discussing “Tobacco taxes and illicit trade in South Africa”. No recording available. |
21 September 2022: UCT study indicates that BATSA’s 70% illicit cigarette trade estimate is too high on Radio Islam International. |
30 August 2022: Kirsten van der Zee spoke with Stephen Grootes about illicit trade in SA on SAFM. |
5 May 2022: Corné van Walbeek was on Islam Radio: Study Shows That Tobacco Ban Effected South Africa’s Revenue Stream. |
5 May 2022: Sam Filby and Corné van Walbeek were joined by Sharon Nyatsanza from the National Council Against Smoking in a mediated radio interview on the SAfm Sunrise show: Study has found the 20-week national ban on the sale of cigarettes in 2020 has greatly disrupted the market in SA |
4 May 2022: Kirsten van der Zee was on Voice of the Cape, VOC Breakfast: Almost all South African smokers have been able to buy cigarettes during covid-19 lock-down. |
4 May 2022: Corné van Walbeek was interviewed on the Afternoon Drive with John Maytham, Cape Talk: Study finds excise tax a better option than cigarette ban in 2020. |
24 Feb 2022: Sam Filby was interviewed on SAFM radio, talking about the excise tax increases from the Budget Speech in a mediated conversation. |
14 December 2021, Dr Catherine Egbe, Professor Corné van Walbeek and Dr Sharon Nyatsanza were hosted on SAFM Sunrise: Mediated Conversation: New Zealand announces new legislation which means the legal smoking age will increase every year, to create a smoke-free. |
26 October 2021: Corné van Walbeek with Cape Talk to discuss the role of taxes in reducing tobacco consumption, during the Morning Review. |
5 July 2021: Corné van Walbeek was interviewed on eTV, where he discussed REEP’s work on the minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol in the Western Cape. |
31 May 2021: Sam interviewed on TV (SABC News) discussing the theme of World No Tobacco Day: Commit to Quit. |
27 May 2021: Corné van Walbeek interviewed on Protect Our Next on the Tool to Quit. |
11 March 2021, Corné van Walbeek was interviewed on a CapeTalk discussing a recently released BATSA commissioned report on illicit trade in South Africa. |
18 February 2021: Corné van Walbeek was interviewed on Power FM on South Africa’s loss of revenue from excise taxes. |
25 January 2021: Corné van Walbeek featured on SA FM’s “The View Point” discussing the implications of the lockdown cigarette sales ban: “SA Cigarette industry is a dog-eat-dog”. |
18 December 2020: Corné van Walbeek interviewed by Jeremy Maggs on eNCA on the shifting cigarette market in South Africa. |
14 December 2020: Corné van Walbeek interviewed on Radio 702 on “cigarette market in SA influenced due to lockdown”. |
15 September 2020: Corné van Walbeek interview with Jeremy Maggs on eNCA.com “There is room to increase tobacco tax”. |
15 August 2020: Corné van Walbeek on Breakfast with Refilwe Moloto, Cape Talk on “The economic cost of smoking”. |
15 August 2020: Moment of Clarity: The Tobacco Industry – is reality stranger than fiction? Alex Hogg interview with Corné van Walbeek. |
22 July 2020: Sam Filby on 5fm with Nick Hamman - Cigarette Ban, is it going to backfire? |
21 July 2020: |
· Corné van Walbeek on SAfm with Bongi Gwala (15:40) |
· Corné van Walbeek on Cape Talk with John Maytham @ 15:15 |
· Sam Filby on Radio 702 with Joanne Joseph |
23 July 2020: Corné van Walbeek on Morning Live SABC: “More smokers under lockdown share a cigarette, survey finds”. |
22 July 2020: Corné van Walbeek Newzroom Afrika with Cathy Matshashane “A UCT research unit has suggested a Sin Tax on cigarettes instead of the lockdown ban”. |
21 July 2020: |
· Corné van Walbeek: eNCA with Sally Burnette: Discussion | Tobacco sales ban |
· Corné van Walbeek: Moment of Clarity with Alec Hogg: Why cigarette sales ban is "crazy" |
19 May 2020: Corné van Walbeek on POWERBusiness on POWER FM: Smokers still have access to cigarettes despite lockdown ban on sales. |
18 May 2020: Kirsten van der Zee Monday @ 07h05 on Voice of the Cape: Almost all South African smokers have been able to buy cigarettes during covid-19 lock-down. |
18 May 2020: Sam Filby Monday @ 16h20 on Radio 702 Afternoon Drive with Joanne Joseph: Tobacco ban has not deterred smokers. |
18 May 2020: Corné van Walbeek @ 06h55 on #SAfmSunrise with Steven Grootes: Smokers still getting cigarettes during lockdown. |
17 May: Corné van Walbeek @ 21h15 on Radio 702 with Gushwell Brookes: R100 a pack for cigarettes and South Africa is paying. |
16 May: Corné van Walbeek on Cape Talk - Weekend Breakfast with Africa Melane: 'It's a Wild West situation' - most smokers able to access ciggies, at a price. |
16 May 2020: Sam Filby on TV (eNCA Nightline) @ 19h35. No recording available. |
17 May 2020: Corné van Walbeek on eNCA @ 11h35, and on Newzroom @ 21h45. No recording available. |
18 December 2019: Laura Rossouw gave a radio interview (in Afrikaans) on RSG* - “Tot 40 van SA sigarette is smokkel sigarette”. |
27 May 2019: Corné van Walbeek featured in a discussion on SA-FM, regarding whether raising the price of alcohol would reduce alcoholism. Panellists included Ms Fanny Mokoena, President of the Gauteng Liquor Forum, and Dr Jan Chabalala, Psychiatrist SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group). |