Launch of the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Taxation and Illicit Trade

06 Mar 2018
06 Mar 2018

Launch of the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Taxation and Illicit Trade
6 March 2018

The ETCP was nominated by the South Africa National Department of Health to establish a Knowledge Hub on tobacco taxation and illicit trade - on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Secretariat.  The nomination of the ETCP team to fulfil this role was primarily due to the team’s extensive experience in the economics of tobacco control, dating back to the mid-1990s. Establishing this Knowledge Hub illustrates South Africa’s support of the WHO’s FCTC, and its leadership within the realm of tobacco taxation.

South Africa’s Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Head of the WHO FCTC Secretariat, announced the official launch of the Knowledge Hub on the 6th of March, a day before the start of the 17th WCTOH.