Back to Basics #1: Tax admin
From our engagement with government officials and other important stakeholders, we have noticed that there is growing interest in the topic of tobacco taxation. The challenge however, is that many policy makers aren’t necessarily experts in tobacco control, and do not have the time to read extensively on the subject.
We thought we’d do some of the heavy lifting for them, by creating a series of “Back to Basics” policy briefs covering key themes. Published under the banner of the WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Taxation and Illicit Trade, the one-page briefs are accessible and easy to read, yet still contain the most important information regarding various tobacco-taxation topics.
Our first B2B in the range looks at Tobacco Administration, authored by Jean Tesche.
Be sure to look out for the next brief in the series: The rationale for tobacco tax and price measures.
Cite as: Tesche, J. (2019). “Tax admin”, REEP Back to Basics Policy Brief: B2B#1. July 2019, University of Cape Town