Back to Basics #8: The TETSiM Model

15 May 2020
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15 May 2020

The eighth Back2Basics policy brief has just been published, and discusses: The TETSiM ModelThe brief discusses the Tobacco Excise Tax Simulation Model (TETSiM), which is a tool to quantify the likely impact of a change in the excise tax structure and/or the level of the excise tax on a number of variables, including the price of cigarettes, cigarette consumption and excise tax revenue.

See the REEP B2B briefs #1 to #7 here.

Cite: Van der Zee, K. and Van Walbeek, C. (2020). The TETSiM Model, REEP Back to Basics Policy Brief: B2B#8. May 2020, University of Cape Town.