Welcome to the Commerce Faculty at UCT!
First-Year Campus Reception: All students from 1 to 3 February 2025
All students must collect their student cards and laptop (only if you opted-in to receive a UCT laptop) at the First-Year Campus Reception, which will be held from 1 to 3 February at the UCT Sports Centre.
Please complete the tasks outlined in the Steps you need to complete before you arrive document. The tasks explained include how to:
- Reset your UCT password
- Download the UCT Mobile App
- Complete Steps 1-5 of Registration (to accept the terms and conditions of the registration declaration)
- Attend First year Campus Reception (you must book a slot via the UCT Mobile App)
All first-year students will register during Orientation. This means that you will work through steps 2 and 3 below during Orientation.
Step 1: Attend Orientation
When you accepted your final offer, you would have received an email confirming that you were added to the Commerce Orientation website on Amathuba, UCT’s digital learning platform. Download the Commerce Orientation Programme.
Please note: Orientation is designed to assist students in making the best decisions regarding their curriculum choices. Registration takes place AFTER participating in Orientation. No first-year student can register unassisted.
Commerce Orientation dates:
- 29 January to 31 January 2025: Orientation for students who are from Cape Town.
(Venue: New Lecture Theatre on Upper Campus) - 5 February to 7 February 2025: Orientation for all students who are new to Cape Town.
(Venues: New Lecture Theatre on Upper Campus and Lecture Theatre LS2A in the Leslie Social Sciences Building)
Step 2: Choose your degree on Peoplesoft
As a new first-year student, you choose your degree during Orientation. Download the Choosing Your Degree: First-year Students Guide.
- Please note that specific disciplines; Actuarial Science, Quantitative Finance, Computer Science, and Statistics and Data Science, have higher entrance requirements. Before choosing one of these degrees, you must ensure you meet the admission requirements. It will delay your registration if you choose a degree you are not eligible for.
Useful links:
- Admission Requirements
- Your Guide to Undergraduate Studies in Commerce
- Commerce Undergraduate Handbook
Step 3: Registration
ALL first-year students must attend Orientation in order to register.
All mainstream students register on the last day of Orientation:
- Friday, 31 January 2025: Students who are from Cape Town. If you are interested in joining the Commerce EDU, please attend the EDU Information Session on Wednesday, 29 January 2025, at 16h00 in LS2A in the Leslie Social Sciences Building.
- Friday, 7 February 2025: Students who are new to Cape Town. If you are interested in joining the Commerce EDU, please attend the EDU Information Session on Wednesday, 5 February 2025, at 16h00 in the New Lecture Theatre.
You will register on campus, assisted by Orientation Leaders. Further information will be communicated during Orientation. You cannot register at another time, as an Orientation Leader must approve your curriculum before you submit it.
All first-year mainstream students will register via Programme Enrolment (PE). Download the Undergraduate Student Registration Activity Guide.
Process to apply to change from Mainstream to Commerce EDU after registration.
After registration, if you would like to change from Mainstream to EDU, please email shanaaz.solomons@uct.ac.
All EDU students register on the last day of Orientation:
- Friday, 31 January 2025: Students who are from Cape Town.
- Friday, 7 February 2025: Students who are new to Cape Town.
You will register on campus, assisted by EDU Induction Leaders. You cannot register at another time, as an Induction Leader must approve your curriculum before you submit it.
All first-year EDU students will register via Programme Enrolment (PE). Download the Undergraduate Student Registration Activity Guide.